Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ugh. Update.

So the MRI wasn't so bad. I actually fell asleep during the test. It was really cold in the room, so they put this big comfy blanket over me, and I had a pillow, and there was music playing.... so I was out. I won't find out results until next Thursday (so long from now), but I did have my first day back to work today. And it went... not good. I felt that the week resting had resulted in some progress being made... and now I feel as though 95% of that progress is gone from walking so much today. I couldn't take the pain pills because they make me a feel out of it, so I just had to wobble around and make faces when it hurt, since swearing is frowned upon when you're on the sales floor. I nearly cried when I couldn't crouch down to put away a sweater near the end of my shift. I had to have one of my associates do it for me. What a waste. My mood is somber, and I'm frustrated by my physical limitations. Not to mention that yesterday was the one year anniversary of my grandfather passing away. And Thanksgiving is Thursday and I hate that holiday (for various reasons). I'm such a downer; I should end this now. Here's to happy thoughts and a better knee...

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