Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I'm planning a more detailed blog for tomorrow, hopefully with some pictures... but in the meantime, I wanted to share a radio commercial that has made me laugh every day on the way to work. It's for KISS FM's "pay your bills" thing where you send in your bill and they pick a person and pay the bill. It talks about how times are tough to the tune of "Sants Claus is Coming to Town"... and the best line... here it is... are you ready?...

"Even Santa's had to cut back to one Ho"

I think it's hilarious. Hope you have a nice Christmas Eve everybody.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

50 things

I totally saw this on Melissa's ( blog and thought it'd be a fun idea... it's 50 things about me... because I know everybody is interested... haha...

1. i am a 6th generation california girl. west coast is the best coast!

2. i love to do a "fargo" accent... and once i've started, it's hard to stop.

3. broadway musicals are one of my favorite forms of entertainment.

4. my favorite colors are red, pink, yellow, orange... but i'd rather wear black, green, blue, purple.

5. i don't really like diamonds. they don't do anything for me.

6. i was in bosnia during the war. (no really.)

7. if i could live anywhere other than dallas, it'd be washinton, dc.

8. titanic will always be one of my most favorite movies.

9. when i start to read a book, if it's a good one, i'll keep reading and reading until it's over. the longer the book, the better.

10. i think that laughter is the greatest sound, and i happen to think that the women of my family have the BEST laughs.

11. my guilty tv pleasures include the girls next door, 90210 (the old one), ghost hunters, inside the actors studio with james lipton, and old "questions with the prime minister" when it was tony blair.

12. the first concert i went to was the beach boys. the most recent one was elton john.

13. i have my next three tattoos planned.

14. i firmly believe that the best shoes are probably not comfy.

15. my christmas tree is only 4 feet tall... but it has enough decorations/lights to FILL a 7 foot treet.

16. my favorite things to collect are bags, shoes and patron tags.

17. my first job was at the palace of wax where i worked security... but really, i just hung out with the hot maintenance guys.

18. i can't say no to white chocolate.

19. i can still quote almost all of the movie "liar liar" because it's the funniest thing ever.

20. my childhood nickname was monkeyface.

21. i didn't drink alcohol for 7 years. which means that i didn't drink a drop on my 21st birthday. most people i know now find that hard to believe.

22. i was a cheerleader in middle school. i also took dance for years and was on the drill team.

23. when i make business calls, my voice gets really high. i can't help it.

24. my favorite holidays are halloween and new years. my least favorite are valentine's day and thanksgiving.

25. i suffer from road rage. big time.

26. i love history. especially british history.

27. i'd rather be cold than hot.

28. i when i meet someone, i know within the first three minutes if i'll hit it off with them.

29. i can't drink milk out of a plastic cup.

30. i've taken french, spanish and american sign language. i know just enough to know nothing.

31. it bums me out to think about all the people who i don't talk to anymore.

32. i prefer things be at right angles and in straight lines.

33. i'm a democrat.

34. i love cheese. pretty much any kind.

35. my dream vacations include but aren't limited to: london, rome, dublin, tuscany, hawaii, berlin, sydney.

36. i'm a big nerd when the olympics are on. i watch then 24 hours a day.

37. if i have on any shoes that aren't flip flops, i've over 6 feet tall. and i'm okay with that.

38. when i was little i wanted to be a meteorologist. until my math teacher in the 5th grade said that was a bad idea for me. (stupid teacher)

39. i'm kinda musical. (of used to be) clarinet, piano, guitar... and i sing alto. but only in a choir. a big choir. with lots of other people singing too.

40. i won the geography bee in the 4th grade. i'm still proud of that.

41. i love politics. i really love election season. i can't get enough. and i get really worked up about the issues i believe in. (i'm still upset about prop 8.)

42. i've had a lot of pets in my life. birds, cats, dogs, fish. but herbie is the best cat ever.

43. i changed my last name on my 18th birthday.

44. i had braces as a kid. and i slept in headgear. and i had a rapid-pallet-expander in the top of my mouth. all in all: we paid good money for my smilin' face.

45. i love my bed. it's the most comfortable one ever.

46. i love the zoo. it's where i go to think.

47. i don't like to go to northpark mall if i don't have on cute shoes.

48. i love sushi. it's one of my favorite foods.

49. i can bake. i don't do it nearly enough, but i love it and i'm glad my mom taught me how.

50. my "list" includes: leonardo dicaprio, justin timberlake, ewan mcgreggor, matt damon and prince william.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

it's done... (warning: wordy)

well it's official. my dad doesn't live with my mom anymore. by christmas it'll be official: they'll be divorced.

he's living with his mom. she's still in the house. the house i grew up in (for most of my life anyway).

what the hell.

i thought this kind of thing happened with you were younger. too young to know what was going on... when all you cared about was where your toys would be.

but not now. now i'm 27. now i've been in the real world, on my own, all grow-ed up for years now. i've had enough of my own relationships to know that sometimes they don't work out. but my mom and dad...? no, no. especially not now that i can actually see and understand both sides.

my mom is the one who filed. and it was the right decision. i believe that with my whole heart. but i'm a selfish creature. and i'm left with a lot of selfish questions.

what about me? since i agree with my mom, can my dad ever forgive me?
what about holidays? do i have two birthdays, two christmases? my mom always did that stuff, will he even want to?
what about how this effects the way i look at marriage, at love? if the two most amazing people i've ever known can't make it work... how can i?

it is what it is i guess. everybody asks me if i'm okay.

it wasn't my marriage that ended. it was my family.

so no, not really. i'm not okay.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

halloween recap

so the theme for the halloween block party was "fairy tales"... frank's portion of the bar was themed "alice in wonderland". behind the bar was frank: the mad hatter, jeff: weedle dee, james: the white rabbit. who was alice... no one else but ME of course!

the sunday after block party, we went to visit brandon at a new club "sekret". he looked fantastic and it was really good to see him since i don't get to see him at s4 anymore.

on halloween night i was out again... here are some great costumes that i just couldn't resist.

by the way... frank's shirt says "mad hatter this, bitches!" he didn't want to dress up again... so i came up with this idea. it was a big hit, of course.

Friday, November 7, 2008

election '08

this will be short as i'm on my way out the door to go to work...


here's to being a part of history everybody... isn't it great?!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

and then it was something different...

well, things change.

they change in little ways, slowly, over years and years.

sometimes they change in a big way, suddenly, without warning.

and every now and then the little changes add up and they create the big scary changes.

that being said... i'm sad to announce that after 19 years of marriage my parents are splitting up. yep. the big D. the details are complicated... but let the record indicate that i totally support my mom for filling. it's the right thing, it's the necessary thing.

anyway, there it is. i hope that they will both be happy. i hope i'll get a grip on all of this. the tailspin i'm trying to get through is unreal. my thoughts on love, marriage, trust... totally thrown.

that's all i've got to say right now.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


the questions below go with each of the pictures in the mosaic.

1. What is your first name?: Melissa
2. What is your favorite food?: Fajitas
3. What school did you go to?: University of North Texas
4. What is your favorite color?: Red
5. Who is your celebrity crush?: Leonardo DiCaprio
6. Favorite drink?: Patron Tequila
7. Dream vacation?: London
8. Favorite dessert?: Apple Pie and Vanilla Ice Cream
9. What you want to be when you grow up?: Happy
10. What do you love most in life?: My Friends
11. One word to describe you?: GoodTimes
12. Your nickname?: Monkey Face

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

i... totally jacked this from another blog...

I am: Melissa, Mel, Melis, Monkey Face, Boss-Lady, HCG-ette, Patrona, Herbie's Mom, Nanci's Daughter.

I have: the day off and am enjoying it as much as possible!

I had no idea: how much people can change.

I Know: that i'm very lucky to be who i am and where i am in life.

I Am: taller than most people.

I Think: about work all the time... and it's not rocket science either... it's jeans and t-shirts...

I Want: a new economy, a better president, and world peace.

I Have: gray hair. too much for a girl my age.

I Dislike: bad people, or good people who do very bad things.

I Miss: being a kid.

I Fear: being old and alone.

I Feel: content.

I Smell: soap.

I Crave: laughter.

I Cry: only when i can't avoid it... when i'm sad, when i'm stressed, when i don't see any options in difficult situations.

I Usually: charge my cell phone every single night because i can't function with a dead battery.

I Search: for my keys in the bottom of my purse.

I Wonder: about people i don't talk to any more... erik, jeff, lee, melissa, rachel, kim, george, matt, tyson, jacqui...

I Regret: some of the trust i so willingly gave away.

I Love: my family more than i can explain.

I Care: about what is right and fair.

I Always: return text messages.

I Worry: about what will happen by the end of the year.

I Am Not: able to stand quietly by and watch.

I Remember: everything... except people's names.

I Believe: in myself.

I Dance: for old navy cards at work... it motivates my associates to see me act a fool in public.

I Sing: because deep down i think i can... but i really can't.

I Don't Always: make good decisions.

I Argue: when i'm right... which is usually the case.

I Write: emails, blogs, texts, comments and strongly worded letters.

I Win: ! i'm the winner!

I Lose: my mind when i'm stressed.

I Wish: i had a real house. with a yard.

I Listen: to my mom and frank.

I Don't Understand: people.

I Can Usually Be Found: at old navy #5913... or at station 4... or at home.

I Am Scared: of bugs that crunch.

I Need: more shoes.

I Forget: the little things.

I am: me.

perfect gifts

editors note: can you tell i'm glad to have my internet back? several posts in one day... i've been saving them up until i could post them!! :)

i HAD to share the fabulous gift ideas i found when i was walking through burlington the other day on my lunch hour (in search of items for my halloween costume)....

if anybody would like me to pick these up, just let me know--i'm all over it--and i have a feeling they're going to be selling fast!!

catching up

well it's official... we've got internet and television! i feel connected to the world again!! yay!! no more checking email and whatnot via cell phone, which--although convenient when one is on the go--gets old rather quickly.

things have been going well, for the most part. drama going on can't be discussed online as of yet, but will be soon... stay tuned for that!

some fun events of the last month or so... the pride parade! frank and chris and i went and watched a bit of the festivities from woody's bar. it was good times, as usual.

we've gotten totally unpacked, no small task... of course chloe wasn't much help... but she sure is cute.

i had lunch with my all-time best friend becca and her son logan. i can't believe how big and grown up he is!! at any rate, it was a fun lunch. i'm so glad that we're the kind of friends who can just pick up after not seeing each other for awhile and be totally cool together. (thanks becca, i've missed you!)

now we're planning the halloween festivities... the block party is oct. 25 and is THE party in dallas. part of the club is going to be decked out like "alice in wonderland" complete with the mad-hatter's party, decks of cards, all that. and guess who is going to be alice? you guessed it. of course, more updated, with a cute blue dress and hot shoes. i'm totally excited.

but before that is what i'm really looking forward to... LAS VEGAS and the ELTON JOHN CONCERT. there aren't many musicians that i totally love, with so many songs that i know all the words to.... but elton john is one of them. top of my list, i dare say. judge all you want, or choose to be jealous, i'll be in vegas next week with my favorite person in the whole world (mom!) just to see his show. yay!!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

moving... oy!

well we're 95% moved into our new apartment!

i'm still going to be in dallas, just moving down the street a bit to a new place with frank and jake. it's a cute townhouse with hardwood floors downstairs, a living room to die for and we can paint any of the walls and not have to worry about painting them back! i know it sounds silly, but in the world of the perpetual renter... that's a fun amenity. it's very HOUSE feeling inside and we've already met half out neighbors--they're super friendly. one guy is throwing a brunch in the courtyard right outside our front door sunday morning before the dallas pride parade.

i'll have pics up at some point. now i just have to finish getting the last random things moved that the movers didn't take... like my computer... we don't have the internet set up yet at the new place, so i'm stuck to checking email and whatnot from my cell phone for awhile, which is tricky.

i'm officially on "vacation" until next tuesday, so i've got time to get all this junk finished. AND i've got time to enjoy pride weekend. the 2008 alan ross texas freedom parade is sunday at 2pm on cedar springs. i'll be there with some of my favorite peeps.

just wanted to give everybody an update. have a great weekend!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

don't understand

i don't understand people.

people in restaurants.

people in stores.

they're rude. they're selfish. they seem to forget that the person interracting with them is, in fact, another human being.

that human being might be having a bad day. they could have just gotten really bad news. they could be sick. they could be stressed about a loved one. and they're just trying to get through the day.... and then these rude, selfish people show up.

and these rude, selfish people ignore the person in front of them. they speak down to them. they yell, they swear, they argue. and for what?

to get that appetizer comped because they waiter didn't fill the water glass fast enough...

to save the $1.03 on a tee shirt because they didn't read the sign correctly...

what happened to treating people with just a bit of decency?

i don't understand.

i guess it could be worse.

it could be someone you know treating you badly.

a friend, a family member... taking you for granted, using you, hurting you emotionally or even physically, and really just being rude and selfish.

i REALLY don't understand that.

i guess we have to hope that what goes around really does come back around... so they'll get what they deserve in the end...

but in the meantime i still don't understand.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

more random pics...

my VERSACE glasses from sassy... i love them!

paparazzi shot! (i hate when they interrupt a good margarita!)
this one was from my birthday. the one on the bar is james. he's my hot little friend.

this is from 70's/disco night at the club. i especially like sassy, mike d and frank's outfits.

thanks and have a great night!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

women of my family

they are beautiful.
they are brilliant.
they are strong.
they cry.
the whisper.
they shout.
they defend.
they teach.
they learn.
they laugh... loudly.
they love.

how did i get so lucky to have a family of such amazing women?
It started with a mother and her four daughters...(starting at the upper left, going clockwise)
Lisa, Nanci, Sue, Dolly & Karen
...and the four sisters had some daughters, who try to make their mothers proud...

Kim, Melissa, Kathy & Donna

And the NEXT generation has already shown that she's one of us too...


i miss you all everyday and wish we were together much more often than we are.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

can't take credit for the idea...but it sounds fun.

Here's how you play

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory of you. it's actually pretty funny to read the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

yay! have a great start to your weekend! ;)

Saturday, July 26, 2008


so it's been quite a week... between being in charge at work while the boss lady is out of town... mom having yet another MAJOR surgery... it's been, well... QUITE a week. suffice it to say that i was looking forward to today for a lot of reasons.

1. NO WORK. my first real day off since...the 15th? what is that? 11 days ago? what the hell? but my day didn't include driving down 183 to irving today. so that's a good day.

2. VISITING MOM in the hospital. surgery went well, and she is doing alright. i was excited to see her doing okay for myself... and not just hearing about it thru the daily telephone report.

3. THE BEST LITTLE ITALIAN PLACE we discovered for dinner. frank and i have been craving good italian food for awhile... so we tried a new spot, bellini's. from the outside, it looks questionable. but then you walk in... and... wow. the food was fantastic, the interior design classic, and i'm not going to complain about the totally cute dish washer i got a glimpse of in the back. oh yes, dinner AND a show.

4. SEEING FREAKING KATHY GRIFFIN with my friends paige! we had seats in the 8th row, center section. it was hi-larious. she's mildly outrageous, isn't afraid to say anything out loud... i LOVE her. it was a great show. she was onstage for almost 2 hours. if only i could forget spilling a drink on the cute bartender in the VIP club before the show... engh, well, it wasn't on purpose, and i wasn't drunk.... so... in the end, the night was really fun fun fun.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

the 10 questions

so one of my most favorite tv shows of all time is bravo's inside the actor's studio with james lipton... he interviews actors and celebrities in a very unique way, leading them thru their lives/careers... at the end of interview, right before he turns it over to the students in the audience for q&a time he asks the same questions.... so i figure just in case i never become famous enough to get on the show... now's my chance.

What is your favorite word?
luscious... the way it sounds, the way it rolls off your tongue, yesss.... luscious...

What is your least favorite word?
moist... in every sense of the word... ugggggg just writing the thing upsets me.

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
laughter--loud, slightly obnoxious, turns-the-heads-of-other-people-in-the-room laughter

What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
judgement from others, especially negative judgement

What sound or noise do you love?
leaves blowing in the wind during the fall... or ice cubes in a glass...

What sound or noise do you hate?
the sound of a car not starting. it's more the sound of money that has to be spent on repairs, but when you turn the key, and click click nothing... yeah... noooo!

What is your favorite curse word?
the f bomb. how many words can be a verb, a noun, and adverb and an adjective!?

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
politics... i'd secretly love to be "josh lyman" from the west wing!

What profession would you not like to do?
medicine. i appreciate that others do it, but i don't want that kind of pressure in my life every single day.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
you might know some people here.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

for your entertainment

hey there. i figured it's been awhile since i've put up photos... so here are a few good ones!
so here's me... at work... well, at the grapevine mills store. call it being bored on my lunch hour... and having a good hair day. either way... HEEEEYYYY!


so monday and tuesdays are usually big nights out since s4 is closed and frank and a lot of our friends are off. so here's just another typical night out... here's brandon looking a little crazy, er, maybe just tipsy, and frank @ alexandre's for a karaoke night. oh dear...


and i just ADORE this picture of paige and me from a random night at the club. i've been doing this whole curly-hair thing (embrace my natural curl! YES!) lately and it's actually really cute. YAY.


so there was a toga party a month or so ago, and frank sewed togas for carl, jc and mike d. at doug's store on his commercial machines. well carl and frank found these, um, hats (?) and felt the need for a quick modeling session. that's fierce.

so after my last day at the grapevine mills store, i went out with some of my favorite new ex-coworkers. robin (store manager), jessyka (super associate!), mike (former old navy supervisor and former roommate) and isaac (assistant store manager). i love (3/4 of) them!!!


it's an artform... and i love watching frank work....


BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION #1... at trader vic's. here's me (IN A DRESS, watch out!) with jake and frank--both of which had birthdays on june 26th.

pretty david and me, still at trader vic's.


annnnnd... pose!


CELEBRATION #2 at brut the champagne boutique and lounge... here i am looking ultra-pasty with sassy.


"i wear my sunglasses at night.........." mike d.


who knew napkins could exemplify stereotypes............. but yeah.... frank, onyx and johnny. love this pic, love these boys.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

i know, i know...

i've totally slacked on the blogging. don't blame me, blame one (or more) of the following.

MOVING to dallas. packing, moving, cleaning the old place, dealing with bills, unpacking... yeah i'm WAY over all that mess. not to mention my former roommate drama... i still have boxes in my room.

PROMOTION at work. after busting my tail for over a year at the grapevine mills old navy, i was promoted to assistant store manager at the irving store. which is fantastic--and kind of impressive since i've only been working in retail for 2.5 years and started as a lowly part-time sales associate. the new store is going to be fabulous... it needs some serious work right now though. and now that i'm an exempt, salaried employee... working 70 hours is the same pay as working 40... goodbye life... byyyyye.... well maybe.

SOCIAL events with my roommates and friends... from the birthday week extravaganza for frank and jake, to the general celebration for the two events listed above... i've been a busy little social butterfly, i must say. lots of great food, drinks, shopping, movies and even a trip to the beach! love it, love it.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Movie Survey

Favorite movies that make you laugh out loud no matter how many times you have watched them: Liar Liar, Mean Girls

Your favorite "Guilty Pleasure": Center Stage, Cane Toads

Favorite movies you have seen so many times,you can recite all the lines: Top Gun, Lord of the Rings (all three), Titanic

Movies that "Opened your eyes." V for Vendetta, Sicko (really fantastic!)

Most Overrated: The Godfather (um, yeah, just can't get into it. take the marbles out of your mouth, then say your lines... please), Crash (it ends and you feel totally hopeless!)

The last 2 movies you watched: (how about the movies we've rented in the last four weeks... it's what we do...) Alien V. Predator: 2, Sweeny Todd, There Will be Blood, Lions for Lambs, The Mist, I Am Legend, Dan in Real Life, Sleuth, Awake, My Kid Could Paint That, We Own the Night, The Brave One, 30 Days of Night, 13: Games of Death, The Host

Favorite "smart" movies: Pride and Predjudice, Sense and Sensibility

All time favorites: Rent, Love Actually, V for Vendetta, Bridge Jones's Diary, Rudy, Top Gun, Titanic

Monday, April 14, 2008


a short vent-session, a recap of some news, and then off to bed.... because i have to wake up for work at 3:30am.

so while i'm thrilled at all these fabulous internet-based friend-connection little creations (myspace, facebook, blogspot, etc.)............ it kind of bums me out. ok not kinda... it's more like, a lot. the initial excitement of "oh my goodness we were in the 4 grade together and we were BFF!" soon turns in "why aren't we friends anymore?" or "wow, their life seems so much more together than mine" or even worse (the cause of my personal suffering) "i sent you a message/comment and you didn't write back"... BURN. why was i good enough to be your friend x-years ago, but now... not so much...? hmm. in any event. i'm trying to push past all that and embrace it for what it is. entertainment, a way to spend free time... not an an ego buster. so yeah. whew. glad i got that out of my system.

on a better note... i got a promotion at work. i'm now the "logistics manager" at my store. basic store structure is as follows: general manager. then logistics manager and customer experience manager. then customer experience supervisor and logistics supervisor. i went from the bottom of the list to #2. yay. i finally feel like my job description is somewhat fitting for me and my college degree... get excited. but even better news... tomorrow's my last day to work at 4 in the morning. oh sweet goodness, i can have a life again!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

just a quick one...

just wanted to say that i cannot wait until may...

i'm moving to downtown dallas! west village to be exact. right across the street from the magnolia theatre and starbucks. it's the cutest place, with two of my most favorite people. anyway... i can't wait. i'm tempted to start packing now...

and i've got some furniture i won't need anymore (coffee table, end table, bookshelf, couch, chair, extra tv, tv stand, ottoman...) so holla at me if you or someone you know needs some "used college furniture".

have a great weekend kids!

Sunday, March 30, 2008


so i deleted everything off of my facebook profile... and i just couldn't part with my quotes. so i'm bringing them here to all of you.

"I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going and hook up with them later." -Mitch Hedberg

"Ya know I really thought I had hit rock bottom, but today it's like there's rock bottom, then 50 feet of crap, then me." -FRIENDS

"That's a negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full." -Top Gun

"But for three years I had roses. And I apologized to no one." -V for Vendetta

"Wake up sisters! There is nooooooo such thang as a weaker sex!" - Liar Liar

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great." -Mark Twain

"Where will all the ribbons go?" - Friends

"I'm so cold." -Titanic

"Its like one mind..." - McDonalds finest, Diego

"Love the new hair. We need to take it out and show it a good time." -Mike Bargsley

"I'm sick of talking to Debbie Downers so you better put on your happy pants or I'm done with you." -Amber Shipman

"Shakespeare is like sex. All your life you hear about how great it is and then the first time you're all like 'this is it?', and you're confused and looking up words... but over time it gets better and better." -Dr. Paul Menzer

"You just have to go after what you want, and if it doesn't want you back, then it doesn't deserve you anyways." -Nicole Richie

"There's only us. There's only this. Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. No other road. No other way. NO DAY BUT TODAY." -RENT

"When I sit next to her all I smell is BITCH." -ANTM

"There are Mormons knocking at the door. Friends of yours?" -Mike, via text message

"What? I live in the hood. The WEST VILLAGE hood. Our gang colors are slate and cornflower." -Frank

"Ooooooooooo! Crack whores are sneaky!!" -Will and Grace

"I'm bleeding and he wants a toy!" -George Lopez

"and WHAT?" -Frank Martinez

(while shaking a glass with ice in the air)
"Oh, I wasn't toasting. I was ordering another drink." -The Upside of Anger

"Maybe you could come down to the kitchen in time to pull my head out of the oven." -The Upside of Anger

"Did you have surgery and not tell me? Because you don't have a heart anymore." -Me

Frank "They're trying to make the Dallas skyline more appealing, trying to increase tourism or something...because that's why people come to Dallas. The skyline."
Mel "No, people come to Dallas because Frank snaps. That's Frank. Yep. He snaps. *snap*"

"You're simple. You're shallow. And you're a common whore. That's why we're soul mates." -Will and Grace

Sunday, March 16, 2008

PIC plan and a quick vent session

tomorrow is the beginning of something new. frank, AKA my P.I.C. (partner in crime) and i are starting a new plan. the biggest change: no alcohol for a month...and no eating out. in addition, we're going to try to eat healthier. that means no soda, no processed junk food...cutting back on bad stuff and counting calories (EEEK!).

we made a trip to whole foods this afternoon to pick up some tasty goodies that will make us feel guilt-free. and can i just tell you... i love that place. everybody should check it out. the food really does TASTE better.

and can i just vent for 1.4 seconds about the lovely work week i had last week? i worked monday, 8:30am-6pm, tuesday 4:30am-6:30pm (*you read those AMs and PMs correctly*), wednesday 7am-4:30pm, thursday 4:30am-6:15pm... all in preparation for a visit with the exec. vice president of our brand........ who got sick and couldn't come... but didn't call us to tell us until almost 6pm visit day (thursday). so yeah. my body still hurts from working those hours... and the guy didn't even show. AGAIN. so after almost 47 hours in that building in four days... it's a GOOD THING i had the weekend off.

so yeah, that's what's going on with me at the moment. hope all is well with everybody in blog-land.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


i'm a big fan of surveys. i can't help myslef. although i do believe that almost nobody actually reads them all the way thru... and those who do... well... they probably regret it and wish they could get that time back in their lives... but they can't... so. here i am, stealing away a few moments of your life to fulfill my survey-need for the week. (ahem, cough.)

"pick 5 songs from your music collection and explain why you love them"

5. joni mitchell, "both sides now"... first of all... it's JONI MITCHELL. that alone is enough for her to make my list. this song is a fav because it's so true... i can relate i suppose.

4. meredith brooks, "bitch"... because we are all a bitch... sometimes. it's important to admit it. and work it.

3. ida core, "let me think about it"... i can't help but love it because of the video. that's me in the middle, by the way. ha. enjoy.

2. teri clark, "i wanna do it all"... it's been "my song" since i graduated from college. because i really do want to do it all. and i think i will. uh huh. that's right. AND what.

1. cast of rent, "la vie boheme"... if you know me at all, you know how i feel about the musical RENT. and it shouldn't surprise you that this is my most favorite song.

To days of inspiration

Playing hookey

Making something out of nothing

The need to express

To communicate

To going against the grain

Going insane

Going mad

To loving tension

No pension

To more than one dimension

To starving for attention

Hating convention

Hating pretension

Not to mention of course

Hating dear old mom and dad

To riding your bike

Midday past the three piece suits

To fruits

To no absolutes

To Absolut

To choice

To the Village Voice

To any passing fad

To being an US for once

Instead of a THEM


Saturday, March 8, 2008

february recap

so what makes the month of february great?

it isn't valentines day. (boo hiss, single awareness/hallmark holiday!)
it isn't the whole leap-year-concept. (really? 29 days? randomly? ok, not so random. but still. really?)
no no... it's the 15th. MY BIRTHDAY.

michael, michael and johnny.

it started with a birthday-eve celebration with the regulars... frank, mike, johnny, paige, bryan, michael, patrick, larry... with appearances by ben, david, and onyx. the best part was larry walking around in my 3-inch patent leather RED pumps. yeah, that's hot.

the amazing amber and me, equally amazing.
the next day was fun with mom--mani/pedi time! then to dallas for dinner with frank and mike d. at my favorite little mexican place, manny's. it looks like a house, off 75 and lemon... but they've got the best food. oh my... and ask for martha. she's always our waitress, and she'll treat you right. she even hooked me up with a giant hat and a large group singing happy birthday in spanish. thank goodness the only picture is on a cell phone and isn't online.

roommates reunite!

that night was a fabulous S4 friday night. old roommate jenn and some of her friends came out, as well as amber and her sister. all i know for sure is that as soon as people hear "birthday" they buy you drinks. and some even thought i was 21. (i still got it.)

the ghetto lips. our trademark.
after not drinking for so many years, jenn and i have since made up for lost time. although i showed her that i could hold my alcohol better than she could... it's okay... i'd say we've both come a long way.

lacey! my favorite bar back.
my grand total for my actually birthday night... 10 shots of patrĂ³n, 1 margarita on the rocks, 1 buttery nipple shot from my favorite shot boy jamesy. AND WHAT.

frank working. damn paparazzi!

the next day was spent sleeping in and hanging out with frank/jake. then another night out. you see, my goal in taking off so many days for my birthday was that i'd celebrate everynight, thursday-tuesday. and i did it. but it was rough.

jake and i... a la black and and white.
photos from saturday were in black and white, because as we learned... you don't look as tired in black and white as you do in color...

kayne, mitch, jake and i.
while out i met kayne and mitch. (you might remember kayne from project runway season 3.) they're good friends with frank/jake. after feeling sleepy half the night, it was super fun to meet them and get to know some new people.

(clockwise) bryan, me, patrick, michael, johnny, mike.

sunday night was "the regulars" again. this time standing our ground in our favorite spot while we were invaded by the 18+ crowd. usually they don't bother us, but that night was something different. after the 15th or 16th time we saw them wave money in frank's face and yell out their drink order while he was talking to another customer, or maybe it was the way they kept yelling "shot! shot! shot!"... no matter what, it bugged us old folks. so we made faces. and we made comments. and that in itself was entertaining.

dougie and michael... and a guy i don't really know.
monday night was the night out with all the people who work in the service industry and therefore can't play on the weekends. we ended up at HOUSE OF BLUES in the foundation room... a members only area (memberships start at about $2k/year)... that is open on monday nights to nonmember types. my friend michael works at HOB and got us on the list for the night.

in one of the private VIP rooms... had to strike a pose. happy birthday to me.
it was good times. it's the coolest place and had a super chill vibe. everybody that went had a blast. and half the group enjoyed watching someone else be the bartender for the night.

tuesday was shoe shopping with frank and jake. you should see the platform pewter 6 inch pumps i walked out with... oh my... so cute. then it was dinner and a concert with the parents. and yes, the concert was barry manilow. after getting hell from my friends who were going to see jill scott, i actually had a decent time. especially when i broke the news to dad that i have a tattoo... and i've had it since february 2007. the look on his face... priceless.