Monday, April 14, 2008


a short vent-session, a recap of some news, and then off to bed.... because i have to wake up for work at 3:30am.

so while i'm thrilled at all these fabulous internet-based friend-connection little creations (myspace, facebook, blogspot, etc.)............ it kind of bums me out. ok not kinda... it's more like, a lot. the initial excitement of "oh my goodness we were in the 4 grade together and we were BFF!" soon turns in "why aren't we friends anymore?" or "wow, their life seems so much more together than mine" or even worse (the cause of my personal suffering) "i sent you a message/comment and you didn't write back"... BURN. why was i good enough to be your friend x-years ago, but now... not so much...? hmm. in any event. i'm trying to push past all that and embrace it for what it is. entertainment, a way to spend free time... not an an ego buster. so yeah. whew. glad i got that out of my system.

on a better note... i got a promotion at work. i'm now the "logistics manager" at my store. basic store structure is as follows: general manager. then logistics manager and customer experience manager. then customer experience supervisor and logistics supervisor. i went from the bottom of the list to #2. yay. i finally feel like my job description is somewhat fitting for me and my college degree... get excited. but even better news... tomorrow's my last day to work at 4 in the morning. oh sweet goodness, i can have a life again!

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